The earthquake of April 16, 2016 on the Ecuadorian coast left thousands of poor families homeless. We immediately decided to help the victims by sending prefabricated bamboo structures, with roofs made of light and economical material that were very easy to assemble.
This is how the CAEMBA concept was born: Emerging Bamboo Houses.
However, this was a short-term solution. Following the emergency response, CAEMBA set out to design long-term housing solutions. To do this, we designed a new bamboo structure, adaptable to the environment of precarious settlements.
The new design allows the 43m2 houses with bathroom to be assembled in just one day.
The houses are delivered to the beneficiaries with their respective basic finishes. In addition, the houses are spacious and airy to avoid the use of air conditioning equipment or fans which increase electrical energy consumption.

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