News Indigenous People

Fundación Raíz Ecuador and CAEMBA deliver food in the Coast and Amazonia

Due to mobility restrictions, on this occasion, we are only accepting monetary contributions to be used to purchase food in Atacames and thus also stimulate the local economy. Donations can be made from both Ecuador and abroad. Please consider the bank details provided at the beginning.

If you wish to contact us, you can do so at

With your contributions, we will provide aid every 7 days on the Coast and every 15 days in the Amazon, until the Covid-19 health emergency ends. Thanks to you, every member of these families has preserved their health and that of others because by staying at home, they prevent the spread of Covid-19. On the Ecuadorian coast, these people live day to day, and their economy relies on tourism, which is completely paralyzed.

Let’s not give up in this fight that involves all Ecuadorians. Let’s continue helping those who need it the most!

#IStayAtHomeWithYourHelp #SocialResponsibility

Campaign Context

Fundación Raíz Ecuador and our project CAEMBA thank all the generous hearts that have joined our campaign «I stay at home with your help.» From March 20th when the campaign started until Monday, March 30th, we have raised USD 8,855 from people in Ecuador and USD 35,700 from abroad. Thanks to this, we have delivered 2,150 kits to low-income families on the Coast and in the Amazon who have been able to comply with mobility restrictions and stay in their homes without lacking food.

Fundación Raíz and CAEMBA support #IStayAtHome. However, we cannot forget about those families who cannot stay at home without external help. Families in extreme poverty cannot afford groceries, and many don’t even have refrigerators to preserve food and cook with firewood.

Humanitarian Assistance Kit on the Coast

In the initial stage of the «I stay at home with your help» plan, which consists of providing basic food kits containing oil, rice, lentils, oats, noodles, tuna, vegetables, powdered milk, sugar, and sardines, we have assisted 550 families in various areas of the Atacames canton, Esmeraldas, and other areas in Manabí. We hope to raise more funds to reach more areas living in extreme poverty on the coast, including the Muisne canton and Chachi indigenous communities in Esmeraldas.

Did you know that with USD 20, you can feed a family of 5 members for 1 week?

Starting from Monday, March 30th, we will continue with the delivery of 200 kits on that day, and on Tuesday, March 31st, we will deliver 400 more. Depending on the measures announced by the government regarding mobility, we will continue with the following phases of weekly food kit distribution for these families on the coast.

Assisted Social Distancing in the Amazon

Fundación Raíz Ecuador works on various projects in the Ecuadorian Amazon, so we are delivering food kits to several communities of the Secoya, Kichwa, Cofán, Shuar, and Siekopai nationalities. This is carried out within the framework of Assisted Social Distancing, which aims to preserve the health and lives of the most vulnerable: the elderly, grandparents who preserve the ancient cultural tradition of these indigenous nationalities and who have knowledge about the use of medicinal plants, the ecology of the Amazon rainforest, ancestral cosmology, and other ancient knowledge.

According to the established biosafety protocol, the food is dispatched in spacious and ventilated areas. Each kit contains a bag of detergent that families will use to disinfect the kits before they enter the houses. As part of the security perimeter, the elderly are permanently isolated in individual houses forming a system of three strict filters to prevent contagion to those over 70 years old.

We are distributing the kits mainly in Sucumbíos and Napo.

#IStayAtHomeWithYourHelp #AssistedSocialDistancing #SocialResponsibility #Amazon #Coast

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement

Fundación Raíz is dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), working with indigenous, Afro-Ecuadorian, Montubio, and Mestizo groups across Ecuador.

Our projects support various communities: Sionas, Siekopai, Kofan, Chachi, Kechwa, Waorani and Shuar, covering six linguistic families.

Our CAEMBA housing initiative focuses on the Afro-Ecuadorian and Montubio populations in Esmeraldas, addressing challenges of poverty and high crime rates. We commit to equitable treatment, opportunities for all, and the elimination of barriers to participation.

By valuing every voice and fostering community resilience, we aim to create a more inclusive, equitable society.

Our leadership is committed to DEI principles, ensuring our efforts reflect the diversity of the communities we serve and contribute to sustainable development and social justice.


Fundación Raíz está dedicada a la diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DEI), trabajando con grupos indígenas, afroecuatorianos, montubios y mestizos en todo Ecuador.

Nuestros proyectos apoyan a varias comunidades, Sionas, Siekopai, Kofan, Chachi, Kechwa, Waorani y Shuar, cubriendo seis familias lingüísticas. Nuestra iniciativa de vivienda CAEMBA se centra en las poblaciones afroecuatorianas y montubias en Esmeraldas, abordando desafíos de pobreza y altas tasas de criminalidad.

Nos comprometemos a un trato equitativo, oportunidades para todos y la eliminación de barreras para la participación. Valorando cada voz y fomentando la resiliencia comunitaria, aspiramos a crear una sociedad más inclusiva y equitativa.

Nuestro liderazgo está comprometido con los principios de DEI, asegurando que nuestros esfuerzos reflejen la diversidad de las comunidades que servimos y contribuyan al desarrollo sostenible y la justicia social.