With the help of the community and volunteers from Pizzería El Hornero, between March 6 and 13, 2021, we built the new Centro Infantil del Buen Vivir (CIBV) in the Las Cañitas sector of the Nueva Esperanza neighborhood, Atacames.
We would like to thank Merck, the company that financed this construction. Also, the Municipality of Atacames, which donated the land and will be in charge of managing the daycare center. We also appreciate El Hornero, which contributed with its volunteers and a truck with pizzas to treat the residents of the neighborhood and their families.
This tripartite collaboration was essential to materialize this project, which will benefit single mothers and their children, who will now have a dignified and safe place in their own neighborhood. This daycare center is part of the comprehensive intervention project for the Nueva Esperanza neighborhood ‘One neighborhood at a time,’ which we are implementing in this sector of Atacames.