The Raíz Ecuador Foundation supports the Women’s Association of Colors of Wai’ya (Siekonomi) as part of the project «Promoting Bioenterprises in the Amazon,» promoted by the Raíz Ecuador Foundation – CAEMBA along with other stakeholders.

In the second week of June 2022, we conducted strengthening workshops focused on the commercialization of ancestral products, alongside the members of Siekonomi and the team from the Alianza Ceibo Foundation. Additionally, we presented and worked on improving the proposal to establish a production unit for typical Siekopai products with the support of René Lucitante, a fellow of the «Scholarship Fund for the Development of Products with Territorial Identity» program implemented by the Small Grants Program of Ecuador (PPD).

We express our gratitude to the Small Grants Program of Ecuador from UNDP Ecuador, in coordination with the Program for Supporting the National System of Protected Areas (PASNAP) of the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition of Ecuador, to KFW, and to the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ Ecuador).