During the second week of May 2022, the field technical team of the Raíz Ecuador Foundation – CAEMBA was in Mañokó, a Siekopai community on the border between Peru and Ecuador, where we built and delivered a well and water distribution system thanks to the fundraising efforts of three young Americans: Vinson Martin, Daniel Eaves, and Greg Naidoo.
This work would not have been possible without the support of the residents of Mañokó, led by their president, Wilson Coquinche. We also highlight the great work of the Siekopai technicians who accompanied us on the trip: Silvio Payaguaje, Alfredo Payaguaje, and Euliecer Payaguaje.

Photography: Vinson Martin
We are very grateful to these young individuals committed to social development and improving the quality of life of people and communities that require our assistance, such as the case of Mañokó. Vinson, Martin, and Daniel personally traveled to the community to supervise and assist in the transportation, construction, installation, and implementation of the water project for this community, located on the Lagartococha River.

Photography: Vinson Martin
Through an automated system powered by solar energy to pump water, this project will provide quality water to the residents of Mañokó throughout the year.

At Raíz-CAEMBA, we work for the well-being of indigenous peoples in the Amazon. We work closely with the Siekopai community through our Beyond Lagartococha program, which promotes intercultural education and exchange of experiences between students from schools in Quito and the residents of Mañokó and Painkenape, another Siekopai community.