As part of the «Bioenterprises in the Amazon» program, driven by the Raíz Ecuador Foundation, which we carry out together with the «Siekonomi» or Women of Colors to produce and commercialize ancestral Amazonian products such as Neapia (Siekopai black chili), we are pleased to inform you that this product now has its Sanitary Registration and, on the other hand, its trademark registration.

As of May 20, 2022, both documents are in order.
Sanitary Registration – ARCSA
Regarding the Sanitary Registration, it was the National Agency for Regulation, Control, and Sanitary Surveillance (ARCSA) that accepted the registration of Neapia. With this document, doors are opened even wider for the Siekonomi as they will be able to sell their flagship product in large supermarket chains and stores in several cities.

Trademark Registration with SENADI – Intellectual Property
On the other hand, the National Service of Intellectual Rights (SENADI) approved the trademark and logo of the Siekonomi. It has already been published in the Intellectual Property Gazette of SENADI. With this document, the Siekonomi can feel secure that their brand is protected against any infringement or imitation attempt.

Both documents represent significant milestones that complement the efforts undertaken over many years by this group of women who produce unique, quality products. Now, they have obtained sanitary and intellectual property standards for their free distribution and commercialization.
This project is sponsored by the Small Grants Programme of Ecuador from UNDP Ecuador, in coordination with the Support Programme for the National System of Protected Areas (PASNAP) of the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Ecological Transition of Ecuador, the German Development Bank (KFW), and the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ Ecuador).
We extend our gratitude to Alianza Ceibo, Amazon Emergency Fund, the Provincial Government of Sucumbíos, Fundación Centro Lianas, and Canopy Bridge for their support of this initiative by the Siekopai women.