Authorities from the Local Education Management Unit (Maynas-Iquitos) of the Ministry of Education of Peru visited the Painkenape school on Saturday, March 19, 2022. This school is located on the banks of the Napo River on the Amazonian border between Ecuador and Peru. This community belongs to the Siekopai indigenous nationality.

They delivered books and educational materials. They toured the school and the community, where they learned about the tireless work carried out over the past 6 years by different generations of young students from schools such as Menor, Americano, and British in Quito, as part of our Beyond Lagartococha program.

Education is a universal right for all, without distinction of their place of origin. The work of Beyond Lagartococha has been recognized by the Ministry of Education of Peru through the formal support now received by the teachers of Painkenape and Mañokó, a second Siekopai community.

The Peruvian government has already begun to pay the salaries of teachers in both communities. Initially, Beyond Lagartococha, a program of Raíz-CAEMBA, was paying the salaries of Siekopai teachers.