From “The Beyond Lagartococha project”, part of “The Raíz Ecuador – Caemba Foundation”, we have been supporting access to education for Siekopai (Secoya) children living in the Painkenape and Mañoko communities in the Peruvian Amazon since 2016. That’s why on January 18, 2021, in Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon, the Basic Pedagogical Competencies Development Course was inaugurated with the aim of promoting Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) in educational institutions in the Torres Causana district in Peru.
We pay the salaries of the two teachers working in the schools of both indigenous communities. We also consistently provide educational materials and support the training of Siekopai teachers.
At the inauguration of the course, authorities from “The Local Educational Management Unit of the Loreto department-UGEL”, as well as from the General Directorate of Education of Loreto-DGP, participated. The course was taught by bilingual intercultural educators from the Bilingual Teacher Training Program of the Peruvian Amazon- FORMABIAP.
Teachers from various indigenous nationalities attended, including Sabino Pacaya, who has supported the training of several Secoya teachers. Pacaya also represented us at the inaugural event. Teachers Gregorio Vásquez and Silvio Macanilla attended on behalf of the Secoya communities of Mañoko and Painkenape.